
The law of God is not a set of rules to test our obedience, but rather meant to reveal patterns of relationship that reflect God’s own nature.  

In the New Testament account of the woman caught in adultery, the law of the day required that both the man and the woman be accused.  The law also required that there be two witnesses to the act.  In this case, the requirements of the law were not being met and the woman, whether guilty or not, was being held unjustly.

Jesus responds to the unjust act by demonstrating his God-nature of faithfulness to the unfaithful woman.  He calls her up to a higher standard of life.  The only stones touching the woman that day were the foundation stones of God’s rule, attended by the witnesses of love and truth.

Jesus did not diminish the law but raised it to be representative of the very nature of God. 

Justice, most simply, means putting things right again.  Jesus is always interested in the wronged party.  He comes to make right that which is wrong.  He comes to restore relationship.

“…Place a lawgiver over them.”  Psalm 9:20 (TPT)





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